Ασφάλεια Σκάφους

Η θάλασσα ταξιδεύει…μόνο όσους αφήνουν τα σχοινιά…

Το σκάφος είναι ένας τρόπος ζωής που δίνει μία μοναδική ποιότητα ζωής και αίσθηση ελευθερίας. Η ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΕΣ ΚΑΤΣΑΡΟΥ Insurance Brokers A.E σας προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα να το χαρείτε με ασφάλεια, να εξασφαλίσετε ένα ασφαλιστήριο “παντός καιρού” που θα οδηγεί πάντα εσάς και το σκάφος σας σε ασφαλή νερά!

Υποχρεωτικές Καλύψεις

  • Αστικής Ευθύνης
  • Σωματικές βλάβες
  • Υλικές ζημιές
  • Θαλάσσια ρύπανση

Προαιρετικές Καλύψεις

  • Κάλυψη Ζημιών Ιδίου του σκάφους
  • Πρόσκρουση
  • Πυρκαγιά
  • Κακόβουλες ενέργειες
  • Κλοπή
  • Μηχανικές βλάβες
  • Δαπάνες διάσωσης / Ναυαγιαιρεσία
  • Τρομοκρατικές ενέργειες

A Simpler Way to Buy Health Insurance Online

  • Easy sign-up – create an account in seconds and enroll during the annual open enrollment period or after a qualifying life event, such as moving to a new area or loss of employment.
  • 100% free service – compare health insurance quotes for free – all plans sold through eHealth cost the same as if you were buying directly.
  • A+ rating from the BBB – contact knowledgeable service team with any questions you have about your health insurance options. They’ll help you get the right coverage for you and your family.

Save more with Compatible Health Plans

As an entrepreneur, you can look for bunch wellbeing, dental, and vision protection for your representatives through eHealth. You need at any rate one full-time representative other than your mate to fit the bill for an independent company plan, and you contribute toward worker charges. Starting at 2016, per the Affordable Care Act, organizations with at least 50 full-time representatives should offer reasonable health care coverage or take care of an assessment punishment.

Unlike traditional health insurance, which reimburses the insured or provider for covered claims, a critical illness insurance plan pays you directly if you’re diagnosed with a covered critical illness—helping you pay for out-of-pocket expenses. Your insurer typically makes a lump sum cash payment for serious medical issues—no copays or deductibles.

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